The Singapore Wing Chun Academy (Sum Nung Lineage)
Elementary Level San Sik (Defensive & Strike Techniques) & Chak Sao ( 1 Year )
Through the practice of San Sik (Individual Hand Techniques), students get to learn the proper execution of each technique in terms of movements, structures (angles, positions, positions, spiral & postures), power point, power generation etc... and also basic footwork keeping distances between legs constant while maintaining balanced posture.
Introduction to Wing Chun System & Basic Concepts
12 San Sik (Defensive Techniques)
Structured Drills for Defensive Techniques
8 San Sik (Strike Techniques)
Structured Drills for Striking Techniques
Basic Chak Sao
Strike Zones
Understanding Centreline Concept
Recycle & Outreach Concept
Guidelines on Do's & Don'ts
Incorporating Drills into Free "Fight" Applications
Basic Self Exploration
Analysis of Options
Intermediate Chak Sao
Defense & Counter Attacks
Learning about Flowing with Opponent's Movements
Tracking Opponent's Structural Defects
Tracking Opponent's Balance
Taking Advantage of Opponent's Structural Defects & Balance
From Visual to "Blind"
Incorporating Footwork into Applications (Facing Angles)
Incorporating Arm Locks & Anti Locks
Learning to Control Opponent's Movements
Distance Management
Intermediate Level Chi Sao (Sticky Hands) & Advance Chak Sao ( 1 Year )
Through the practise of Chum Kiu, students get to learn power generation using the turning stance, refine advance footwork with speed & agility. Further limbs co-ordination are enhanced through the practises of Single & Double Sticky Hands training each limb, body & mind to work independently of each other as students progressed from Long Range to Close Range Combat applications.
Power Generation - Turning Stance
Combined Advance Footwork & Hand Drills With and Without Partner
Rolling Hand Drills ( Single Hand )
Running Hand Drills ( Single Hand )
Single Hand Chi Sao ( Induction to Internal Power Development )
Rolling Hand Drills ( Double Hands )
Kicking & Sticky Leg Techniques
Take-Down Techniques
Locks & Anti-Lock Techniques
Close Range Controlled Combat Sparring ( Bridging & Footwork Validation )
Advance Level Street Combat, Wooden Dummy & Weapons ( 2 Years )
Biu Ji combines the hand techniques, footwork & power generation from both stances & hands from the Siu Nim Tao & Chum Kiu forms. Students are expected to execute the form with power, speed and flow.
Biu Ji Form
Biu Ji Applications
Combat Applications Against Multiple Attackers
Combat Applications Against Armed Attackers
Wooden Dummy combines the techniques, footwork and kicks in all 3 forms. Students are expected to perform the form on the Dummy with agility, power, holding structures, sticky hands and footwork.
Wooden Dummy Form ( Sections 1 - 4 )
Wooden Dummy Form ( Sections 5 - 8 )
Wooden Dummy Applications
Wooden Dummy - Free Form
Six & A Half Point Long Pole is practised in a wider quadrilateral stance as it was not originally part of the Wing Chun system. Students will be trained to be able to transmit their wrist power to the tip of the long pole.
Basic Long Pole Techniques
Six & A Half Point Long Pole Form
Long Pole Applications
Butterfly Knives is the last of the Wing Chun forms taught. The knives are extentions of the hands, more specifically the bridge and palms and techniques are similar to those of the first 3 fist forms . Students are expected to be able to execute the form using wrist power.